Elizabeth Ohmer Pellegrin
Reiki Master Teacher
Reiki Classes, Reiki Sessions, Australian Bush Flower Essences.
Pre-registration is required for all Reiki Classes.
Please Print Clearly
Return completed copy with your deposit/full payment made payable to: Elizabeth Ohmer Pellegrin
Call (504) 388-2356 for mailing address or for any questions
Dates of class
How did you hear about this class?
Name ______________________________________________________________
(as you would like it to appear on your completion certificate)
Birthdate _________________
Name you like to be called________________________________________________________________
Street Address
City _____________________________________________________
State_____________ Zip ______________
Phone __________________________________
Cell Phone ____________________________________
Email Address
Please make checks payable to Elizabeth Ohmer Pellegrin
Deposit or full payment enclosed $ _______________
circle one
cash check money order credit card paypal
I am registering for the following sessions/class:
(please circle all that apply for your registration)
Reiki Session (1hour 15 min)
1st Degree Reiki Class 1st Degree Reiki Class - Reviewer
2nd Degree Reiki Class 2nd Degree Reiki Class - Reviewer
Counseling of Reiki Students on the Path of Personal Practice (self, family, friends)
Counseling of Reiki Students on the Path to Public Practice (clients)
Counseling of Reiki Students on the Path to Mastery (considering the possibility of mastership)
“For over 23 years, I have brought this soothing and gentle, yet powerful tool for healing and self healing to others trough my private practice and classes.”