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Elizabeth is an Australian Bush Flower Essences Practitioner and International Teacher

Using the healing properties of flower essences is an ancient art, spanning many cultures.
Naturopath and Homepath Ian White has taken this age-old study and applied it to the flowering plants of the Australian bush.


Many Custom Blended Essences Available, including:


  • Woman

  • Calm & Clear

  • Study

  • Detox

  • Travel Ease

  • Adolescence

  • Yoga

  • Confidence

  • Stress Relief

  • Group Harmony

  • Space Clearing

  • Memory

The Reiki Center of New Orleans was established by Elizabeth Pellegrin in 1990 to provide treatments and training in Reiki. Elizabeth is a Reiki Master in the traditional practice of The Usui System of Reiki initiated by Phil Morgan, in the direct lineage of Mikao Usui, Chujiro Hayashi, Hawayo Takata and Phyllis Furumoto.

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